Nivell B1 Lower Intermediate
- Arranging a meeting: Practise arranging a meeting. Watch a video of people having a meeting
- Progress report and action points: Study "meetings" vocabulary. Practise reporting progress and listing action points
- Stages of a meeting: Listen to different stages of a meeting. Practise language for staging a meeting.
- Referring to time: Read an email. Practise different ways of referring to .time
- Speculating and planning: Practise language used to speculate. Practise making plans and describing what you have done.
- A business trip: Practise describing a business trip. Practise reporting what happened in a meeting.
Nivell B2 Upper Intermediate
- Meeting basics: Learn useful meeting vocabulary. Study phrasal verbs associated with meetings.
- Stages of a meeting: Listen to different parts of a meeting. Study language used at different stages of a meeting.
- Colloquial language of meetings: Study idioms and more phrasal verbs. Practise being tactful in emails.
- Different meeting types: Study language from different types of meetings. Practise starting a meeting.
- Asking questions: Read a report of a meeting. Study different question forms.
- Small talk and structuring a meeting: Practise different ways of making small talk. Study language used to open and close meetings.
- Persones que necessitin utilitzar aquest idioma en l’àmbit laboral, tenint en compte les seves necessitats específiques.
- Learn how to schedule, manage and participate in meetings, and how to make a report about a meeting (nivell B1).
- Improve your ability to follow, participate in, and manage different types of meetings (nivell B2).
- JavaScript.
- Cookies activades.
- Pentium 4 o equivalent.
- 512MB RAM.
- Monitor amb resolució 1024 x 768.
- Targeta de so.
- Micròfon i altaveus (o auriculars).
- Navegadors recomanats: Chrome, Firefox 23 o superior, Internet Explorer 9 o superior, Safari 9 o superior.
- Bloquejador de finestres emergents desactivat.