Nivell B1 Lower Intermediate
- Company types: Practise describing companies. Watch a video of someone presenting their organisation.
- A company description: Read a detailed description of a company. Study questions asking about what a company does.
- A tour of your workplace: Study vocabulary of places in a company building. Listen to a guided tour of a workplace.
- Commercial activities: Practise vocabulary describing organisations. Practise describing commercial activities.
- Professional or company history: Practise describing your work or professional history. Study language describing the past and present.
- Presenting your work: Study different company descriptions. Practise writing about your company or organisation.
- Persones que necessitin utilitzar aquest idioma en l’àmbit laboral, tenint en compte les seves necessitats específiques.
- Learn how to describe what your company or organisation does and give a guided tour of your workplace.
- JavaScript.
- Cookies activades.
- Pentium 4 o equivalent.
- 512MB RAM.
- Monitor amb resolució 1024 x 768.
- Targeta de so.
- Micròfon i altaveus (o auriculars).
- Navegadors recomanats: Chrome, Firefox 23 o superior, Internet Explorer 9 o superior, Safari 9 o superior.
- Bloquejador de finestres emergents desactivat.