Nivell B1 Lower Intermediate
- Phone basics: Listen to different calls. Practise vocabulary and numbers.
- Phone calls: Study useful phone language. Watch videos of different phone calls.
- Taking messages and orders: Listen to different phone calls. Practise taking messages and orders over the phone.
- Making and receiving calls: Practise useful phone expressions. Practise pronunciation and spelling words over the phone.
- Making decisions: Listen to different calls. Study language of making decisions.
- Getting out of trouble: Practise ways of dealing with calls that are difficult to understand. Study phrasal verb.
Nivell B2 Upper Intermediate
- Phone etiquette: Watch videos and evaluate different phone calls. Practise useful phone expressions.
- Complaints: Listen to a phone call. Practise phone expressions, and making and dealing with complaints.
- Talking about deadlines: Practise talking about deadlines. Study prepositions and still, yet and already.
- Problems and solutions: Study language of problems and solutions. Practise giving solutions over the phone.
- Talking about probability and possibility: Study language of future probability and possibility. Practise arranging a business meeting.
- Ending phone calls and sounding polite: Practise how to sound polite on the phone. Practise ending a phone call.
- Persones que necessitin utilitzar aquest idioma en l’àmbit laboral, tenint en compte les seves necessitats específiques.
- Learn essential language and practise making and receiving telephone calls at work (nivell B1).
- Learn about phone etiquette and ways of dealing with different types of phone calls (nivell B2).
- JavaScript.
- Cookies activades.
- Pentium 4 o equivalent.
- 512MB RAM.
- Monitor amb resolució 1024 x 768.
- Targeta de so.
- Micròfon i altaveus (o auriculars).
- Navegadors recomanats: Chrome, Firefox 23 o superior, Internet Explorer 9 o superior, Safari 9 o superior.
- Bloquejador de finestres emergents desactivat.