Nivell B1 Lower Intermediate
- Words that sell: Study advertising vocabulary. Practise using words and expressions that sell.
- Sales talk: Listen to sales talk in an advertisement. Practise a sales phone call.
- Salespeople and company organisation: Learn to talk about people and responsibilities. Practise describing the structure of a company or an organisation.
- Comparing products and services: Practise the language of making comparisons. Study adverbs, adjectives and making predictions.
- A sales conversation and small talk: Watch a video of a sales presentation. Practise making small talk.
- Advertising texts: Read different advertisements. Study persuasive language and the structure of a persuasive text.
Nivell B2 Upper Intermediate
- Formal and informal contexts: Listen to different types of negotiations. Practise language used in formal and informal negotiations.
- Negotiating tips: Read an article about negotiating. Study idioms and phrasal verbs associated with negotiating.
- Introductions and setting the agenda: Listen to different stages of a negotiation. Practise language used in introductions and setting the agenda.
- Movement, concessions and closing a negotiation: Study language used in the process of negotiating. Practise closing a negotiation.
- Functions of negotiating: Practise stating conditions. Study language of making suggestions, accepting and rejecting.
- Reaching an agreement: Watch a video of negotiating a sponsorship deal. Practise negotiating a deal.
- Persones que necessitin utilitzar aquest idioma en l’àmbit laboral, tenint en compte les seves necessitats específiques.
- Practise useful language for advertising and selling (nivell B1).
- Improve your negotiating skills in English, and study useful language for the different stages of a negotiation (nivell B2).
- JavaScript.
- Cookies activades.
- Pentium 4 o equivalent.
- 512MB RAM.
- Monitor amb resolució 1024 x 768.
- Targeta de so.
- Micròfon i altaveus (o auriculars).
- Navegadors recomanats: Chrome, Firefox 23 o superior, Internet Explorer 9 o superior, Safari 9 o superior.
- Bloquejador de finestres emergents desactivat.